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Parents Moving Homes into School Catchment Areas!

Date Posted: 8th September 2017

Parents are moving house & home, to be in school catchment area!
We are finding more and more, during the relocation process involving families with school age children, how schooling has become one of the main priorities.
Families, both domestic and international, relocating to a new work location, will often request details of schools around their place of work firstly and then will consider the location of their new home. Obviously all parents want the best education for their children, but the best performing schools generally have a waiting list, this is why to improve the position on the waiting lists, or achieve direct access to a school, parents are moving home to be within the school catchment area.

Pafena can assist in researching schools in locations throughout the North, our services also include setting up appointments and accompanying clients on school visits.

See this interesting report from Santander.